I couldn't possibly love my life any more at this point in time. It's like everything is a perfect dream. I take a lot of things for granted, and I am trying to work on that the best I can. I have an amazing boyfriend that would do anything (I mean anything) for me if I asked. I have an amazing family-- scratch that, TWO amazing families that love me and would do anything for me. I have a good strong relationship with God. I have good true friends that I love to death. I have a job right now when it's hard for people to get them and keep them. I have a warm house over my head. The list could go on and on. But I am thankful for all that I have. I am blessed to have this amazing life God has given me.
I see how fast life can pass you by or be taken from you in just a quick second. I want everyone in my life to know I love them and appreciate them no matter what day it is. I want every single day to be lived in this way. My life is good. Everything/Everyone in my life is good. What's not to be happy and thankful for when you couldn't ask for anything more. Just remember, I LOVE YOU and I'm THANKFUL for you in my LIFE every sigle day! ♥