Okay, so I have written 3 papers, taken two quizzes, and done a lot of homework assignments in the past few days! I'm about done with this whole school crap!!! BUT, I only have one more class, three final exams, and I'm DONEEEE! well, until the end of may when my two summer classes I'm taking start. They are both online so those should be pretty easy, plus I think they are only like 5 weeks each!
Zach came over tonight after practice and I made him and my family some baked mac n cheese, artichoke chicken, cresents, and some asparagus! YUMMMM! Now I still have some work I need to be doing, but I'm thinking bed early for once? yupp. =]
Simple Things in Life Make the Best Memories

Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Monday, April 26, 2010
And now it begins..
It's officially STRESS time! Finals are next week, and we all know that means stress and cramming is in store for me. booo. So, if I MIA, sorry =]
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Sweetest boy alive..
I quite possibly have the most amazing, sweet, thoughtful, wonderful, boy ever to walk this earth! I was reminded of this last night when we were eating some yummy chinese food! We were about done stuffing our faces when the lady brought us our fortune cookies. Zach kept switching and mixing up the cookies and couldn't decide which one he wanted. He finally crushed one on accident and I told him he had to take that one since he had ruined it. ha. So he agreed and said even though it was crushed into tiny pieces that his fortune was still going to be better than mine. Well I opened mine and all it said was, "today is a nice day" How lame is that? Considering it had been raining and cloudy ALL day. He opened his, looked up at me, smiled, and said mine is so true Kacey. I said let me see what it says.. and it read.. "Happiness is right in front of you" ♥
AWWWW how cute was that! I Love him super lots, and this is one of the reasons why! =]
AWWWW how cute was that! I Love him super lots, and this is one of the reasons why! =]
Saturday, April 24, 2010
I've come to love Fridays! I work only till 1, then I'm off until Zachary's game that night around 7. While I'm at the game, I get to visit and talk to Kim, Troy, Cayx, Katie, Grandad, and many others! I don't think I could ask for a greater way to start my weekend off! FRIDAY BASEBALL GAMES ROCK!!!!

I support my #9 veryyyyy well. =]
Thursday, April 22, 2010
This is literally what Zach and I do every time he comes to my house. We play horseshoes!! But, it's okay with me because it's super fun! And we are both getting good at it! :) yayyyy
Well I have sooooo much school work and studying to do to get ready for finals week! AHHHH.. but I just keep thinking, one more week of classes and I'm done with my freshman year!!!!
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
I Promise..
To post some really good and cool pics very soon! As soon as I get my camera back from Zachary =] Be prepared for awesomeness!!!
Monday, April 19, 2010
Today pretty much kicked my butt--but I like it ;) It was such a "funday" I had to usual class this morning and went to the library for a little study time. Then came home and took care of my sick (strep throat) sister and cleaned the whole house. Zach didn't have practice today so he got to come over early for our "funday" I made him some yummy Bacon cheesey,garlic, potato skins that he just loves. Then we went outside,..and..stayed outside until it got dark. Yupp--we were out there the ENTIRE evening, and it was so much fun! We played horseshoes for a long time. I threw 2 ringers!! And my dad even came out and played with us for a little. Next was basketball time! We spray painted spots so we could play around-the-world, of course he won!!! grrr :) After basketball came a fun game of throw and catch the frisbee! Which, was actually quite fun! and last but not least we went up to my old high school and played tennis.. we didn't get to finish because it was getting so dark we couldn't see the ball anymore. (we figured it might be a little dangerous)
We came back to my house for a little and just layed around and hung out, ate a little Kline's IceCream and then he had to go home :( Oh well, I'm off work until Thrusday! WHOOP WHOOP! =] xox
We came back to my house for a little and just layed around and hung out, ate a little Kline's IceCream and then he had to go home :( Oh well, I'm off work until Thrusday! WHOOP WHOOP! =] xox
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Forgot to mention on here last weekend... Kim got us Lady Gaga Tickets!!! Pretty stoked! ahhhhhhhhhh =]
Thursday, April 15, 2010
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